If your website is not mobile-friendly, you're losing out on valuable traffic from search engines.  More than half of all web traffic is now performed on mobile phones and with Google penalizing websites that are not mobile-friendly by pushing them lower in search results, you're not getting as many website visitors and ultimately new sales opportunities as you could be. 

Building a new website from scratch takes planning and a large investment of time and money.  If your website is outdated and not meeting your needs, building a new site is a good idea and Emergent Software can help you with that, but don’t let that stop you from making a small investment to start capturing more mobile traffic quickly. Rather than waiting a year or longer before launching a new website that meets all your needs, with a small budget and short timeline, you can retrofit your existing website to be mobile-friendly. 

Oftentimes, all it takes is a front-end web developer a few days of effort to use modern responsive design techniques to tweak website markup and build mobile-specific CSS (cascading style sheets). Responsive design is a set of techniques that make web pages flexible and adjust based on the screen size of each website visitor.  To see it in action, you can resize this browser window to be narrow like a phone or watch the animation below.  Notice how images are rearranged, font sizes change and the navigation becomes a hamburger icon. 












With some fairly minor adjustments, our front-end website developers can quickly update your site.  You can then watch as your website moves up mobile search rankings and your website traffic increases while you focus on planning a rebuild that is more robust for the long haul. Check with Google if your website is mobile-friendly here.

Contact Emergent Software today to have your website evaluated for a mobile-friendly retrofit.