Your website may very well be your most important digital asset. This is often the first place that a potential customer goes for information about who you are, what you offer, and what makes you stand out. It’s important to keep this critical asset up-to-date and full of relevant information to help your potential customers make the decision to do business with you.

If you’re working from home right now, chances are you might have some time to take a step back from your typical responsibilities (or feel like working a little extra time to stay busy) and reevaluate your website. Here are eight quick changes you can make to your website right now (and bonus – you don’t need to be a web developer!):

8 Ways to Boost Your Website's Traffic

1. Make sure your site is mobile-friendly

Mobile devices account for approximately half of the web traffic worldwide. If your site isn’t mobile-friendly, you’re missing out on valuable traffic to your site. It’s not enough to just make sure your website works on mobile, but it’s a great time to look at the experience of your website on a mobile device. Consider the following when evaluating your site’s mobile-friendliness:

  • Do your site pages render well on mobile?
  • Do your page layout, animations, and the main menu translate well to mobile?
  • Can potential customers easily find what they need when using your site?
  • Are your contact forms, company phone number, and email address optimized for use on mobile?
  • Does your site load quickly when you’re off wi-fi? Bloated code and uncompressed images can cause people on-the-go to leave your site and find another.

Not only is it important to ensure your site works well on mobile to benefit your customers, Google often won’t index your site for mobile search if you don’t have a mobile-friendly site. This means your site could rank lower (or not at all) in any search results (mobile or desktop) for your company, industry, or important keywords. Luckily, it’s not as difficult as you think to retrofit your existing website to be mobile-friendly!

2. Link to your site on all company social media pages

Want to boost your website traffic from those who visit your company social media profiles? Simply add a link to your site in the about section of these pages. This makes it easier for potential customers to find your site if they come across a post or ad of yours on social media.

Don’t have any company social media profiles? Now is a great time to set them up! It’s incredibly simple to create a company Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or Instagram page. With some careful thought and planning, you’ll be able to set up these pages and boost your online presence. This article from Hootsuite is a great resource to help you start.

3. Repurpose your existing content and share across social media

Since we’re talking about social media, now is a great time to create awesome content to share with your followers. Think you need a social media expert to do this? Think again – all it takes is a little bit of creativity and time to accomplish this. Think about the current content you already have on your website like brochures, case studies, videos, blogs, etc. A lot of that content can be easily adapted and turned into bite-sized pieces to be shared across social media.

Put yourself in your customer’s shoes, what kind of content would most appeal to them? Would your customers want to watch a 1-minute video clip of your experience at a recent tradeshow or read a blog post with actionable tips they can act on right now? Most likely! The key to creating great social media content is that it should be extremely relevant and engaging to your customers. Try to provide solutions for your customer’s problems and thoughtful tips as to why they should partner with your company.

4. Create or update your site’s title tags

The title tags on your site are incredibly important when it comes to your search ranking and boosting your website traffic. They impact your page’s click-through rate (CTR), user experience (UX), and search engine optimization (SEO), which in turn, positively impacts your page’s ability to rank. Think of these tags as the first introduction for a user into your company, your services, and why they should click on your site in search results. Use a free tool like Screaming Frog that automatically crawls your site and identifies the areas where you need title tags. This guide from the SEO experts at Moz is a great resource to give you the full lowdown when it comes to title tags.

5. Create a Google My Business and Bing Places account

Outside of your website, setting up a Google My Business and a Bing Places account is a great way to help your business rank higher in search results. Setting up this account allows you to post relevant information like your business address, phone number, link to your website, post photos of your products, collect Google/Bing reviews and connect with customers in Google/Bing Search and Maps.

6. Search Google for keywords related to your business and see which sites rank at the top

You’re likely in-tune with various keywords and phrases someone might use to search for your business. However, have you ever taken the time to look at how those who rank at the top of these keywords position themselves on their sites? Spend some time looking at these sites and see if there’s anything you can improve or add to your site that could boost your rankings. Do they use video clips? Have catchy meta descriptions? Observe the way they talk about their company, products, or services, and see what sets them apart.

It goes without saying, but don’t plagiarize the content that you’re seeing! Use it to spark inspiration and get your own ideas flowing.

7. Advertise on Google or LinkedIn

A little bit of ad spend can go a long way in getting more traffic to your website. And what better way to do so than advertising on the sites your potential customers are already using to research solutions to their problems? You don’t need to be an advertising expert to use these platforms either. Simply spend some time thinking about what you want to promote on your site. Is there a certain product or service that you think your customers will find particularly useful? Do you want to drive general traffic to your site? To get started, here are some handy guides from Google and LinkedIn to get you started.

8. Protect your site with a vulnerability scan

Now that you’ve optimized your site, be sure to protect it with a vulnerability security scan using a tool like Tinfoil Security or partnering with a web development firm (like us) to help you. You don’t need to be an expert in web development to understand that these scans often bring issues with your site to light and can be cause for concern. Once you’ve identified potential security issues on your site, our expert team can partner with you to fix these vulnerabilities so you can rest easy that your site is protected.

These 8 quick wins are a great way to boost your site traffic and bring as many new visitors to your site as possible.

Interested in making some greater changes to your website but need the help of a web developer? Contact us today to learn more about how to make your website mobile-friendly, protect your site from security vulnerabilities, ensure website accessibility compliance, and more!